Owls Athletics

Rainy River High School Athletics

Fall Sports:
Jr Girls Basketball
Sr Girls Basketball  - "Silver" NorWOSSA 2023
Jr Boys Volleyball
Sr Boys Volleyball
Boys Football (co-op with Lake of the Woods School, Baudette, Mn)

Winter Sports:
Jr Girls Volleyball
Sr Girls Volleyball - "Silver" NorWOSSA 2024
Jr Boys Basketball
Sr Boys Basketball 
Girls Hockey (co-op with Falls High School, International Falls, Mn)
Boys Hockey (co-op with Lake of the Woods School, Baudette, Mn)

Spring Sports:
Jr Badminton - Girls and Boys - Singles, Doubles & Mixed Doubles
Sr Badminton - Girls and Boys - Singles, Doubles & Mixed Doubles
Soccer - Girls and Boys
Track and Field (co-op with Lake of the Woods School, Baudette, Mn)
Boys Baseball (co-op with Lake of the Woods School, Baudette, Mn)

NorWOSSA schedule info: